Discounted & Discontinued Stuff4Beauty

Helping you find your favorite beauty products!

Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our main goal. We ant you to tell everyone you know about us. Due to the nature of our inventory, some of our products can be returned and some cannot be returned. Customer is responsible for return shipping when a return is authorized. All sales for shampoo, conditioner, hair color, nail polish and cosmetics are final, and no refunds will be provided for purchases made in our store for the above mentioned items. If you find that your order is damaged or defective, please contact us within 2 business days of receiving your order and we will resolve any issues concerning manufacturing defective or ‘damaged in shipping’ products. You must have an RA number and correct return address for returning items to us.

If you have questions about any of our products before you buy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal!

You can reach us for questions or an RA and address by text message at 224-565-9801